Highnam Church Of England Primary Academy

Inspiring Everyone to Shine

Wetherleigh Drive, Highnam, Gloucester, GL2 8LW

01452 525872


Our Curriculum

At Highnam C of E Primary Academy, we adopt a mastery approach to the teaching and learning of mathematics in line with the National Curriculum (2014). Our ethos is that all children can find success in the study of maths and become confident mathematicians, believing that children should not be limited by prior attainment. At Highnam, we teach skills to ensure that our children are resilient learners who become life-long mathematicians and we aim to do this through the high-quality teaching of a stimulating and engaging maths curriculum. We promote children’s enjoyment of maths and provide opportunities for children to build a conceptual understanding of maths before applying their knowledge to everyday problems and challenges.

Maths at Highnam largely takes shape in the form of 'White Rose Maths', however other high quality resources such as NRICH, 'I See Maths' and mastery resources from NCETM are used to deepen pupils' mathematical understanding and promote rich discussion. 

Click here to view our Maths Curriculum Statement.

Click here to view our EYFS to year 6 progression document.

Curriculum overviews for EYFS to year 6.

In line with the national curriculum (2014), daily maths lessons are broken down into a series of small, connected steps, each building on the children’s prior knowledge and learning. Each lesson focuses on one small step or a series of small steps. Throughout the school, mathematical concepts are introduced using concrete manipulatives, supported by pictorial representations in order for children to use abstract approaches to develop a conceptual understanding of mathematics. Through using all three, the children explore and demonstrate their mathematical learning. Together, these elements help to cement knowledge so children truly understand what they have learnt. Teachers plan, deliver and adapt lessons to address the needs of all pupils with the use of scaffolding, skillful questioning, intervention and carefully designed enriching activities. Within the lesson, children have the opportunity to practise fluency, reason their understanding and solve-problems and this may be part of whole-class learning, group work or when they reach “Do it, Stretch it, Solve it” where children complete well-thought out problems designed by the teacher.

GLOW Maths Hub

As we are always looking to evolve and develop our practice, here at Highnam, we have been involved with our local maths hub (GLOW) for the past 5 years. We have participated in developing, embedding and sustaining mastery workgroups and are currently taking part in our second year within a sustaining mastery group. Over the years, these groups have enabled us to be supported by maths specialists in facilitating classroom based projects to improve the enjoyment, achievement and participation in maths. 

Maths training for teachers across Primary Quest led by Gareth Metcalfe.