Highnam Church Of England Primary Academy

Inspiring Everyone to Shine

Wetherleigh Drive, Highnam, Gloucester, GL2 8LW

01452 525872


Light and Shadows

Facts about light

What we have learnt this term…

  • Light is made by light sources e.g. the sun or light bulbs.
  • Shadows are made by a light source hitting an object and creating a shadow in front of the object.
  • Opaque materials block light and make shadows.
  • Transparent materials let light through and can make very faint shadows.
  • Translucent materials allow some light to pass through e.g. we shone a torch light through our school jumpers.
  • Light is reflected off an object and into our eyes - this is how we can see things.

Facts about shadows

Did you know?

  • When the sun is low at the beginning of the day we get long shadows.
  • When the sun gets higher during the morning shadows get shorter.
  • When the sun is highest in the sky e.g. at in the middle of the day shadows are shorter.
  • When the sun is low at the end of the day, once again we get long shadows.

Our favourite parts of the topic

We enjoyed learning about how shadows are formed and we created a puppet shadow show. We also liked making a torch – we got to use proper equipment (bulbs, batteries, wires and switches) and to decorate them as well. Here are some examples…




By Dan and Sophie